For the 20th year, the annual Navasota Trash-Off returns to town next weekend.
Bobbie Ullrich, the marketing and communications director for the city of Navasota, sat in on the most recent episode of “Miranda’s Musings” to talk about this year’s efforts.
“It is set for Saturday, April 9th, 8 am until 12 pm that Saturday morning,” said Ullrich. “There is still an opportunity to volunteer, as well.”
Plenty of volunteer sports are available, and you can call the city for inquiries into that.
In addition to helping keep Navasota beautiful that Saturday, you can get in on some free food and ceremonies with the locals.
“Breakfast is provided at 8 am in the Navasota Center, clean up activities from 9 until 11:30, and then lunch plus a closing ceremony at 12 pm to wrap it up,” said Ullrich.
The annual Trash-Off returns Saturday, April 9th. For more information, or to sign up to volunteer, call Eric Covarubius with the city at 936-825-6450.