If you have performed building work or extensions without a license, or have hired a contractor without a license, you could be looking at a potential fee very soon. At the July 9th Navasota city council meeting, city building inspector Jack Kelso said, while most people have heeded the warning, some just refuse to follow the rules. And this has led to stern warnings being handed out.
He says his hand has been forced a bit. While the issue is not primarily with locals, there is still a few who just ignore the rules entirely. And that is why he needs a new tool for his arsenal – a $500 fee.
While he says it will be a last resort for mostly extreme cases, there are some who might already get slapped with the fee.
Council eventually approved installation of the fee. Kelso urges all citizens to always ask for a permit before hiring any contractor. If you have any questions about building, you can contact City Hall at (936)825-6475.