The Navasota Independent School District has committed itself to effectively tripling its deficit with the approval of next year’s budget.
The District’s Ronnie Gonzalez explains, it started off with a $600,000.00 deficit and had to renegotiate contracts for custodial and transportation services. With those new contract agreements and a new fleet of school busses added into the mix, that has placed the district an additional six hundred thousand dollars in the hole and is now looking at a 1.5 Million dollar deficit.
Speaking of funds, Gonzalez assures Navasota News that returning teachers will be properly compensated for their talents, despite the district’s talk of freezing raises.
It was going to hold-off on raising returning teachers’ pay, he explains, before the administration noticed that would be unfair to current teachers if new ones are hired.
And so the school board decided to nix the original idea, Gonzalez concludes, both to assure our returning teachers are paid what they are worth and keep things equitable among the ranks.