One of Navasota’s finest was recently honored by City Council. For the second year-in-a-row, Mothers Against Drunk Driving recognized Officer Ernesto DeLosSantos as “Hero of The Highway” over several others in the Brazos Valley for keeping a weather-eye out for impaired drivers.
His boss tells Navasota News it’s always heartwarming to see cops recognized for doing a great job.
DeLosSantos is pro-active in his patrol duties, says a beaming Chief Justin Leeth, adding that, according to his numbers, this single officer is responsible for more than 36% of the Department’s DUI enforcement.
There’s a lot of through-traffic in Navasota, he continues, and this is just one more way his officers are keeping drivers safe. And with the holiday season already underway, he warns all party goers, if you are going to drink, plan ahead of time and get a sober-ride home. To do otherwise is just not worth it.
So the next time you get behind the wheel, you’d better be sober, or you may just get to meet officer DeLosSantos, or one his fellow officers on the side of the road.