Good news for Phase 2 of the Navasota ISD Bond project: it is coming in well under budget so far. At Monday night’s Navasota ISD Board Meeting, project manager Stephen Barry of Barry and Clay, the company responsible for construction, gave an update on the budget side of things for the second phase of the project so far.
He says that the numbers are still working in their favor, even after shifting them around a bit.
In discussing the costs, it was revealed the furniture, fixtures and even equipment for the rooms is all included in the budget already. Board member Paul Malek confirmed that with Berry.
“So this number is walk in the door, invite the students in and start teaching?” asked Malek.
“Yes, sir,” responded Berry.
In total, phase two of the project has come in at just over $1 million under budget. Phase two is scheduled to be completed by the Fall. Phase three is slated to begin next summer.