The City of Navasota has created a new group for the betterment and beautification of the town.
That is called the Pretty City Committee, which was actually created a few years ago, but now that most of the original people are gone, it has been revived.
“This is an effort staff is making to continue to improve the look of our city, I think it is important that our city looks really good. For all the people coming to visit, people looking to move here, and those of us who have been here a long time,” City Manager Brad Stafford said, during a recent Grilling Stafford episode.
“It needs to look good, and our hope is that, eventually, other businesses and citizen’s that want to be part of it, contact us.”
As he mentioned, they are looking to expand. The Pretty City Committee meets every Friday morning at 7:45 am, and work lasts 8 am until 12 pm on that week’s designated project. They are also accepting suggestions for projects, and donations from the community.
Stafford added that their recent efforts have progressed to more than just planting flowers.
“I think they picked up 30 snipe signs, if you do not know what that is, those are the little signs they stick in the ground thatsay ‘we buy houses,’ or ‘we clean windows.’ Whatever it is, those are illegal, so they went around and picked those up after they planted flowers. So, there will be a lot of clean up effort, and a lot of beautification effort,” Stafford said.
He said the Master Gardner’s also have helped them tremendously.
If you want to get involved with the Pretty City Committee, contact Madison Brooks with the city at 936-825-6475.