The comedy, “The Psychic,” opened its 11 performance run in Navasota’s Sunny Furman Theatre on Friday the 13th. NTA Director Jane Brewer says it’s the story of Adam Webster, a psychic and struggling writer.
So he puts a sign in the window of his basement apartment, Brewer explains, which attracts the attention of the lovely Laura Benson. She comes for a session that doesn’t go too well, until he has a vision and announces that her husband is planning to kill her.
And that, of course, brings the husband in to ask, “What do you mean telling my wife that I’m planning to kill her?” To which Webster explains that he is planning to kill her because he’s cheating on his girlfriend. Which brings the girlfriend in to ask, “What do you mean?” And it just continues to get more and more tangled up from there, complete with bodies showing up in car trunks.
Brewer says it’s a wonderfully chaotic murder mystery full of verbal jokes that the older kids will enjoy, but it’s not recommended for those eight and younger.
This will be Brewer’s third directorial effort for the Navasota Theatre Alliance, and she tells Navasota News that so far as the rehearsals are concerned, she likes “The Psychic” even more than “Dracula in Dixie.”
“The Psychic” continues at Navasota’s Sunny Furman through April 29th, with only one Thursday evening show and no dinner theatre. To reserve your seats, visit today.