Just over one month has passed since the water leak at the Grimes County Justice Center.
According to building maintenance manager Rodney Floyd, repairs are moving on schedule.
“We do have some dry wall in, we have started sanding and prepping for paint. We were planning to start that today, but the weather has slowed our crew down, so they may not be in [Wednesday] to start,” said Floyd during Wednesday’s meeting of Commissioner’s Court.
Floyd says that, while the leak and repairs are never a good thing to deal with, they could not have happened at a better time, construction wise.
“We have been blessed that we jumped in at a time in the market when people have slowed down for the holidays. So, we got in lines for the manufacturing, carpeting, and all that first,” said Floyd. “So, our lead times do appear to be less than we expected initially. Hopefully, we keep moving forward at a fast pace.”
In his update, Floyd mentioned the rewiring of the jail intercom is complete, and they are still awaiting crews from Entergy Texas to hook up power for the Animal Shelter.