News release courtesy of the city of Bryan:
International Technologies Management (ITM) will begin seismic testing in North Bryan on Thursday, August 28, 2014. The trucks marked as TGC will utilize Bryan Police as escort and traffic control on city streets. Crews will enter the City from the North and should be finished with the testing within 10 days. The traffic route for the test is as follows:
1. Turn Southeast on Laura from Hwy 6 and hit 2 points on Laura
2. Turn Northeast on Judythe from Laura and hit 2 points
3. Turn around and head Northwest on Laura and turn Southwest onto Timberline and hit 10 points
4. Turn Northwest on Old Hearne and hit 4 points
5. Turn Northeast on Indian and hit 5 points
6. Turn around and turn Southeast on Old Hearne and turn Southwest on Waterwood and then turn Northwest on Woodbend and hit 9 points
7. Turn around and go back down Woodbend and turn Southwest on Waterwood and hit 6 points
8. Turn around and go back down Waterwood and then turn Southeast on Old Hearne and then Northeast on Woodville and hit 15 points
9. Turn Southeast on Elaine and hit 10 points
10. Turn Northeast on Stevens and hit 10 points
11. Turn around and go back down Stevens and across Hwy 6 and hit 7 points
12. Turn Northwest on Woody street and hit 7 points
13. Turn Soutwest on Woodville and then turn Southeast onto Laura and hit 9 points
14. Turn Northeast on Stevens and hit 2 points and turn around and go Southwest on Stevens and hit 7 points
15. Go North on Old Hearne and hit 11 points
16. Go Southwest on Woodville and hit 22 points, arriving at Business 6
17. Go Southeast on Business 6 and turn Northeast onto Margarte and hit 3 points
18. Then curve Southeast on Margate and turn Northeast onto Staunton and hit 12 points
19. Then turn Southeast onto Milton and then Southwest onto Southside and hit 12 points
20. Turn around and go Northeast on Southside and turn Northwest onto Marsh and hit 3 points and exit subdivision onto Woodville
21. Turn Northeast onto Woodville and then Southeast onto Old Hearne. At the intersection of Old Hearne and Stevens begin to hit 5 points on Old Hearne
22. Continue down Old Hearne and turn Southwest onto Glacier and hit 8 points
23. Turn Southeast onto Yosemite and hit 9 points
24. Turn Southwest onto Teton and hit 5 points
25. Turn Southeast onto Business 6 and then turn Northeast onto Russell and hit 3 points
26. Turn Northwest onto Tennessee and then Northeast onto Wilkes and hit 4 points
27. Turn Southeast onto Woodward and curve Northeast and hit 7 points
28. Turn Southeast onto Missouri then Northeast on McHaney and hit 5 points
29. Turn Northwest on Old Hearne and then Northeast on Wilkes and hit 24 points
30. Turn Southeast on Clarks and hit 8 points
31. Turn Southwest on Owen and hit 4 points
32. Turn around and turn Northwest on Clarks and then turn Southwest on Wilkes and then turn Southeast on Hwy 6 frontage road and then South on Tabor Rd and hit 13 points
33. Turn around and turn West onto McHaney and hit 5 points
34. Turn North onto Bonham and hit 6 points
35. Turn Southwest onto Wilkes and then Southeast onto Old Hearne and hit 9 points
36. Turn around and turn Southwest onto Wilhelm and hit 21 points
37. Turn Southeast onto Business 6 and then South on Old Hearne, turn West onto Boulevard, turn Northwest onto Red Oak, and turn Northeast onto Madison, turn Northwest onto Live Oaak, turn Northeast onto Wellington, and turn Northwest onto Pin Oak and hit 5 points
38. Turn Southwest onto Juniper and hit 3 points
39. Turn Northwest onto Water Oak and then Southwest onto California and hit 11 points
40. Turn Northwest onto W 18th, turn Southwest onto Reno and hit 1 point
41. Turn Southeast onto Nevada and hit 1 point
42. Turn Southwest onto Dean and then Northwest onto Saunders and hit 6 points
43. Exit City
Crews will work around school schedules to not disrupt school traffic patterns.