If the idea of three elderly ladies escaping their nursing home in a rowboat then loosing the oars tickles your funnybone, you won’t want to miss the Navasota Theatre Alliance’s “Too Soon for Daisies,” now playing at the Sunny Furman Theatre.
The elderly conspirators eventually reach shore and find an apparently abandoned cottage where the NTA’s Carol Herrington promises the fun really begins.
She says the owner shows up. . . then disappears, and while they are agreeing they don’t want to go back and thinking of ways they can stay there forever, it’s just like one visitor after the other.
Herrington explains the title of this comedy thriller by saying it’s too soon for the grave, too soon for the retirement home. It’s like the old adage of pushing up daisies when you’re dead and gone, she says, well that’s just too soon for these little old ladies, and I agree. It’s WAY TOO soon!
Herrington tells Navasota News veteran local actors Worth and Debbie Furguson will be among the cast, as will be Navasota thespian and board member Mickey Gross.
There’s only four or five other players, she adds; a very small cast. It’s a three-act play, but it’s very quick-moving.
Beloved NTA veteran Chaz Pittman directs the troup’s first offering of the new year, playing at the Sunny Furman Thursdays through Sundays, til the 25th. For tickets, visit navasotatheatre.org, or call the box office at 936-825-3195.