Downtown Navasota’s street and utility projects are still ongoing as we near the end of 2021.
Utility director Jennifer Reyna gave an update at last night’s city council meeting, first about the street revitalization project ongoing near Railroad Street.
“They have begun the first block, from Railroad Street to 9th Street. Last week, they poured curb and gutter. By the end of this week, they should be pouring the sidewalk itself. So, the first block has started,” said Reyna.
She says that project is on target for its schedule completion date of January 12th.
The other ongoing, bigger focus is the utility portion of the $10 million Capital Improvement Project.
“We are still trying to access a property, once we have access for survey, we can start the design…they are also working on getting the current prices for stuff. That should finish up relatively soon,” said Reyna.
She said the bid process would come after that, and should be started by the end of February or March.
In the update, Reyna also mentioned the Automated Weather Observing System at the airport is nearing its scheduled completion in January.