Grimes will be one of only two dozen Texas Super Voting Center Counties during this fall’s election. Reading a portion of the state’s recent letter, Election Administrator Rebecca Duff recently made that announcement to County Commissioners.
The letter declared Grimes’ approval to be among less than ten percent of the state’s counties, to beta-test its new election protocol.
Duff explained how de-emphasizing specific precincts is, theoretically at least, supposed to benefit grimes county voters.
She says, if you live in bedias but work in navasota you can vote here and vice-a-versa.
And because it will be a test, you are urged to let poll workers know if you like, or dislike this new system when you cast your ballot.
The state is asking grimes and the other super voting center counties to keep tabs on comments, voting patterns and turnout this fall, and to report them to the Secretary of State’s office by the 8th of December. It will then weigh the benefits against problems encountered with the system, before deciding whether or not to implement super voting centers state-wide.