While many Grimes County residents are actively working against a Centerpoint’s plans for a new transmission line that reportedly will not aid any in our area, there is one company still laboring away to bring more power to your home all the way from Roans Praire.
Tenaska’s Jeff Gonka says, the demand for more electricity continues to grow as does the state of Texas. And this project is built to be switched on whenever power needs in the county would be at its most extreme.
He says Tenaska has been grinding away at this project for more than a year now, and just needs the approval of a few more permits and a few new customers before construction of their new peak generator can begin.
But because of all the controversy throughout our county lately, Gonka stresses that Tenaska wants to remain a good neighbor. So for anyone who wants more information, he suggests they go to Tenaska.com or call 1-402-691-9595.