Bryan police investigators are looking for suspects in two armed robberies over a three night period this week at Reveille Ranch apartments on Wellborn Road.
The victims, both men in their 20’s, were not hurt.
On Monday night around 11, the victim says he was approached by one black male in the parking lot. The suspect brandished a firearm and demanded the victim’s belongings. That evening the victim was unable to describe the suspect. The next day he advised the suspect had a muscular build standing 5-5 to 5-7, weighing 150-170 pounds, and wearing baggy clothes.
On Wednesday night, again around 11, the victim says he was approached by one black male in an apartment stairwell. The suspect brandished a firearm and demanded his belongings. His description is standing 6-0 to 6-1 with a muscular build and a short afro haircut. He was wearing a black T-shirt, gym shorts, and a bandana. The victim also saw a second person who was a lookout, but did not have a description.
Anyone with information is asked to call Bryan police at 979-209-5300 or Crime Stoppers at 979-775-TIPS.
Click below for comments from Officer Kelley McKethan, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.
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