This week is both National Police Week and National Nursing Home Week in Navasota, thanks to Mayor Bert Miller’s dual proclamations during last week’s City Council session.
Councilman Bernie Gessner, liason to Planning and Zoning, updated the commission’s marathon, as it pieced together changes to the city’s sign ordinance before the current moratorium expires. He said size limits of various signs were discussed, as well as deleting requirements on any window signs, as they will not need permits.
Gessner anticipated P&Z’s success later last week when they were able to cobble together a final document that will still need to be approved by Council. But, because the current moratorium died last Sunday, Council voted beforehand to extend the ordinance for another 90 days.
On another matter, Councilman Jeff Horn admitted he could see circumstances under which the city might consider a proposal from the owner of Dove Crossing to share in the costs to replace culverts and widen the drainage channel there to ease flooding problems . . . but that in the current economic climate, he said he couldn’t see asking taxpayers to pay for that. He just didn’t see the benefit.
Neither did the rest of Council, voting unanimously to decline it.