The state of Texas has updated its ten year transportation plan. Of the record $85 billion to be spent statewide, more than two billion will be in the Bryan district.
The list still includes the expansion of Rudder Freeway, which is now a 270 million dollar project. Also included is an upgrade to the interchange in Brenham at Highway 290 and Highway 36.
Added to the long term list, is widening Highway six from OSR to Hearne. The 164 million dollar project will not make Highway six a freeway.
There is no money in the next ten years towards the future Interstate 14 and eye-214 connection to Bryan/College Station. However, the ten year update will widen Highway 21 between the Navasota River and Madisonville at a projected cost of 121 million dollars.
And the state will pay 60 million of the estimated one hundred million dollar cost of an interchange at Wellborn Road and George Bush Drive.